Germany’s “O bis O” Rule • Winterreifen and the Alpine Tire Mark
Germany always had requirements for winter tires during the ice and snow season, but in 2015, those requirements turned into a much more specific federal law for all of Germany. And since January 2018, there’s a new winter-tire requirement and symbol. Here’s what you need to know…
Germany’s new winter tire law came about after a German court ruled in the case of a motorist who had protested a fine levied for not having snow tires on his car. In July 2010 the court determined that the current law was indeed too vague and that the term geeignete Bereifung (“appropriate set of tires”) failed to actually specify the use of winter tires. The man did not have to pay the fine.
The Law Regarding Snow Tires
In November 2010, responding to the court’s decision, the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament, passed a new federal law that is much more specific about winter tires. It also increased the fines for drivers caught without snow tires or who have an accident in winter conditions without snow tires on their vehicle.
Von O bis O: Most German motorists have long known the old rule of thumb for putting snow tires on the car: “von O bis O.” The term “from O to O” is short for “from October to Easter” (von Oktober bis Ostern). It is a recommendation that one should make the change from regular tires to snow tires in October, and leave them on until Easter.
The new German law does not set any time limits, but it does clearly state that under icy conditions (bei Glatteis, Schneeglätte, Schneematsch, Eis- und Reifglätte) you must not drive without snow tires on your vehicle. So, since it’s difficult to predict the weather, for all practical purposes, the old “von O bis O” rule still applies.
German federal law was amended in 2015 to require the use of winter tires when conditions are icy. A new Alpine winter tire symbol has been added to the former “M+S” mark (Matsch und Schnee). As of January 2018, newly fabricated winter tires must be marked with a new Alpine symbol (a 3-peak mountain pictogram with a snowflake; see photo below). The new icon is more than a mere symbol. It also reflects the new law that spells out what a “winter tire” is, and sets new standards that were not in place before. Existing winter tires (M+S-Reifen) with only the old M+S mark will be allowed until 30 September 2024, but the ADAC German automobile club recommends getting new tires with the Alpine “3-peak-mountain” mark as soon as possible. The new law also applies to trucks and buses, but motorcycles are exempt.

The new 3-peak Alpine symbol is required on all new winter tires in Germany, and reflects higher standards for those tires.
If the police catch you driving in winter conditions without winter tires, you’ll have to pay a fine (Bußgeld) of 60 euros – plus a point against you in Flensburg* and possibly an increase in your auto insurance premium. If you are involved in an accident or you block traffic in icy conditions without “Alpine” tires, the fine goes up to 80 euros and a point against you in Flensburg.
The Verkehrszentralregister des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes in Flensburg is a central register of all traffic violations in Germany. Various driving offenses are assigned a number of points and recorded in a databank in the northern German town of Flensburg. A driver with up to three points need not worry, but after accumulating four or more points, various sanctions take effect, ranging from remedial driving school to loss of your license to drive.
In Alpine regions, particularly in Austria, Switzerland, and southern Germany’s mountainous regions, it is also wise to have snow chains (Schneeketten) in your vehicle during the cold season. In Austria, winter tires are mandatory from November 1 to April 15, but only if there is snow and ice on the roads. Trucks and buses must have snow tires at all times from November through April 15, whether there are “winter conditions” or not.
Rental Cars
The snow tire law applies to all drivers, even if they do not own the vehicle! But the 2015 law makes car owners – and rental car companies – also responsible. That means if you are renting a car in Germany in the winter, your rental must be equipped with winter tires. For more about renting a car in Germany see this page.
Next | Driving in Germany
Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended as legal advice. It is for informational purposes only.
Related Pages
- Driving in Germany
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- For Expats: Living in Germany
- Winter Tire Markings – from Continental Tires, with winter tire laws for European countries
- ADAC (in German) – The largest automobile club in Germany, with winter tire info
- Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt in Flensburg (in German) – Wikipedia
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