The GW Expat Blog



Bis Bald: 10 Things I Love About Germans

For my last official post as part of the regular writing crew here at The German Way, I'd like to be typically American and end on a positive note. Here are 10 things I love about Germans: 1. Their honesty. You will never doubt the sincerity of a compliment that comes...

Moving with Max

Pets are becoming more and more a part of the family. They live in our homes, sleep in our beds, and the lucky ones even join us on vacations. So when considering relocation to another country many pet owners would never dream of leaving their furry family members...

Transatlantic with the Toddler

There are so many horror stories I could share involving transatlantic travel. I entertained my babysitter the other day by regaling my worst memories of flights between Europe and North America, some of which involve being sandwiched between an overweight, unhappy...