The definite preference in Germany may be for dense, dark bread made with various combinations of wholewheat, spelt, rye, seeds and nuts (it accounts for over 90% of bread consumption), but the small, white, crusty bread roll does maintain an iconic status - whether...
The GW Expat Blog
German Weddings
Having spent my formative adult years in Germany, I have been to more German weddings than American weddings. There are some striking differences in how each culture approaches the celebration (and paperwork) that accompanies two people committing their lives to each...
Germany’s North and South Divide
Perhaps you've heard of the Weisswurstäquator (white sausage equator - these sausages are particular to Bavaria). If you haven't, it's the line that divides the north of Germany from the south, and it runs just south of Frankfurt. (Writer's Note: this border is open...
“On Se Won Händ”
Ripped from the headlines in Germany, YouTube has shamed and ridiculed yet another public figure, this time former Baden-Württemberg's Minister President and now Germany's European Union Commissioner, Günther Oettinger. The widely circulated video is of Oettinger...
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