A Preview of German Place Names and Connections: From Leipsic to Winesburg When I first wrote about German Place Names in the USA and Canada more than five months ago, I realized that the topic was far more vast than I had originally thought. Since then, as I have...
The GW Expat Blog
Germany in the United States and Canada
North American Communities with German Namesakes This was originally intended as a normal brief blog post about German (and Austria/Swiss) place names in the USA. However, as I was researching and writing this post, I began to realize that the topic was far more...
The German Who Named America
America • The Americas • American: What's in a Name? How did the American continent (Erdteil in German, "earth part") get its name? America, considered one continent or a "double continent," was the fourth one to be discovered by Europeans. When (in 1606) they found...
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