About 5 years ago, on November 9th 2014, I watched from the hospital as Berlin put on a grand display to celebrate 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I had been looking forward to attending the event - a spectacular display where thousands of lighted...
The GW Expat Blog
Teaching English in German-Speaking Europe
The Good News and the Bad News So you think you want to teach English in Germany (or Austria, Switzerland)... Well, you're certainly not the first American or Brit, etc. to come up with that idea. The good news: There is a demand for qualified native speakers of...
Berlin’s Identity Crisis
What's Wrong with Berlin? I have lived in Berlin. I have explored Berlin. Like most Berliners, I love Berlin. But it's more like a love/hate relationship. Berlin is a city that doesn't really know what it wants to be when it grows up. More than seven years after BER...
Best Apps for Germany
I got a new cell phone (or Handy in colloquial German) shortly before our trip to the States, but didn't get around to putting on my favorite apps until our return. And many of those have to do with life in Germany. Some of these have to do with the language, a...
German Names and Bureaucracy
One of the first questions people ask when you are having a baby is, "What's the name?" Rightfully so, as names play an important part in a person's future and say a lot about your hopes and dreams for your child. Are you raising a Sarah, or a Jasmine? A Hans or a...
Hidden Sights in Berlin: Schloss Tegel or Humboldt Palace
Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt and Their Home in Tegel Berlin is a vast metropolis that no one can ever fully explore, but it can be a lot of fun trying. I have spent a lot of time in the German capital, with many visits over several decades and even living there...
The School Trip
One chilly Friday evening a few weeks ago I found myself sitting in the middle of fifty British teenagers giving a talk. This was a group of students from my old school, over from Yorkshire on a school trip to Berlin, and my former teacher had asked me to talk to them...
Getting a Haircut in Germany
This is gonna sound a little crazy, cuz it is. I have never gotten a professional haircut in Germany. I have occasionally hacked off my own dry ends and taken the clippers to my husband, he has been to the Turkish barbers for a traditional buzz and ear hair burning...
Germany’s Bicycle Autobahns and the Battle Between Cyclists and Pedestrians
I don't think there's a German over the age of five or six who doesn't know how to ride a bike. Seeing an 80-year-old German lady zipping along on her bike is nothing unusual in Germany. I have witnessed rush hour in the small town of Burghausen, Bavaria, which means...
Days Off
I assume our family is not unusual in using the few days of peace and quiet between Christmas and New Year to start planning our holidays for the coming year. In this uniquely pleasurable endeavour, our predictable starting point, as for many working parents, is...
Unhaunted Graves: Halloween, Reformation Day, and Totensonntag
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living." - Marcus Tulius Cicero (106-43 BC), Roman writer, politician and orator "Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them." - George Eliot NOTE: This post has been updated for 2022! Although...

Turkish Markets in Germany
Berlin’s grocery stores can be a chaotic introduction to life in Germany. Discounters like Aldi and Lidl skimp on presentation for bargain-basement prices. Fancier chains like Rewe and Edeka have recently upped their games with fancy salad bars, fresh sushi, and even...
How to Pay Berlin Transport Fines
When I first arrived in Berlin I scrapped by, stretching one ticket to its full 2-hour limit. Then I learned the wonders of the 4 ticket (4-Fahrten-Karte) which offered slight discounts by buying 4 at a time. Finally, I caved and bought the 10-am ticket which offers a...
Uber’s Very Bumpy Road in Germany
Ride-Hailing Services in Germany: From Allygator to Uber Is the Uber ride-hailing service available in Germany? The German answer to that question is jein – yes and no. Although Uber is completely banned in several European countries, it's not entirely missing in...
What’s Up with Wasps in Germany?
I forgot it was almost August until I walked up to the KiTa (daycare) where my husband teaches, and saw the sign on the front gate: Achtung! Erdwespen auf der Wiese. (Caution! Wasps in the meadow/garden.) Aw, yes. Just like the seasonal Eis (ice cream) stands and the...
Zeugnistag (Report Card Day)
School was out for the summer last week in Berlin. For most school children and their parents the very last day of the school term was much anticipated not just because of the ensuing weeks of freedom but also because it was Zeugnistag (report card day). The process...
Many Kinds of Noise – “vielerlei Lärm”
Germans don't mind noise — as long as you don't make any. I have no solid comparative data to back it up, but I would rate the German tolerance level for noise (Lärmempfindlichkeit) as among the lowest in the world. This is especially true for Germans living next door...
Epic Places to Watch the World Cup in Germany
Short answer - EVERYWHERE. No matter whether you call it soccer, football or Fussball, almost everyone in Germany will be watching a few games in this massive tournament of skill. This is the 21st FIFA World Cup and there will be 32 national teams vying for...
The Month of May in Germany
After the long, dark winter and the uncertainty of April weather (April, April, der macht, was er will), everyone is ready for summer by the time May rolls around. No matter the first official day of the season is a month and a half away, Germans are reveling in the...
Der Handwerkerbaum – or how traditions travel
My first experience of May 1st (Erste Mai) celebrations was as a student in Berlin in 2002 drinking beer in a park Kreuzberg. I don’t much like beer - not then and not now - but that was what everyone else was drinking and it felt like the right thing to do. Along the...
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