Coburg, Germany Before, During, and After the War As Black History Month has recently passed its halfway mark, I'm returning to a theme I've written about before: Black Americans and Germany. Which, believe it or not, brings us to the northern Bavarian city of Coburg,...
The GW Expat Blog
The Crazy Bavarian and Kauai’s Russian Fort
Germans, Baltic Germans, and Native Hawaiians So how many German connections for a so-called Russian Fort on the Hawaiian island of Kauai could there be? More than you might expect. We'll start with a Bavarian/Franconian physician and adventurer named Georg Anton...
Traveling to Germany in Covid Times: What You Need to Know
Before You Go If you, like me, have been champing at the bit, eager to once again fly to Germany from the USA, it is now possible. While we don't currently have truly ideal conditions, US-Americans are now taking long-haul flights across the Atlantic and landing in...
Is Bavaria the Texas of Germany? Comparing the Freistaat Bayern with the Lone Star State
Bavaria is the Texas of Germany. A valid comparison? Despite what many North Americans believe, any German will tell you that Bavaria is not "Germany." Lederhosen and dirndls are not even worn by everyone in Bavaria, much less by all Germans. On the other hand, many...
Days Off
I assume our family is not unusual in using the few days of peace and quiet between Christmas and New Year to start planning our holidays for the coming year. In this uniquely pleasurable endeavour, our predictable starting point, as for many working parents, is...
The Month of May in Germany
After the long, dark winter and the uncertainty of April weather (April, April, der macht, was er will), everyone is ready for summer by the time May rolls around. No matter the first official day of the season is a month and a half away, Germans are reveling in the...
A week on the farm
Like many expat families, we think we fly too much. Though some of these trips - for work - are unavoidable, the rest we do gladly to keep in touch with family and friends, whether for weddings, birthdays, or general catching up. There is, however, our annual summer...
Landeskunde for Expats
What is "Germany"? When most English-speaking people think of Germany, images of lederhosen, the Alps, Neuschwanstein Castle (the "Disney castle"), and Oktoberfest are probably the first things that pop into their heads. Of course all of those things are Bavarian, not...
How much does it cost to study in Germany, really?
When I speak to students and parents about the prospect of completing a degree in Germany, the question that invariably comes up is,"Ok, there's no tuition, but how much does it really cost?" The answer is a bit complicated, but it largely depends on where you study...
Getting Intimate with The Swedish Chef
I was warned about certain things, a lot of things actually, prior to my move to Germany. None of them prepared me for what I call Swedish Chef Syndrome. I am a native English speaker from the New England region of the US. My own way of speaking is also heavily...

Homeschooling verboten
I recently wrote about the German School System, but a German court decision on homeschooling put that unique aspect of German education in the spotlight. A Bremen couple who have been trying to get permission to homeschool their two young sons had all their legal...
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