A Field Guide to Cultural Differences Between Germany and the USA (Part 2) Over time we at The German Way have covered the topic of daily life and cultural comparisons between Germany and the USA (and other places) very thoroughly. But it's a vast topic, and there's...
The GW Expat Blog
An ABC Cultural Manual for Germany (Part 1)
A Field Guide to Cultural Differences Between Germany and the USA We have written a lot about daily life and cultural comparisons between Germany and other places here at The German Way, but it's a vast topic. Just when you think you've covered it all or experienced...
A Tramp Abroad: Observations of a Former Expat and Frequent Traveler in German-speaking Europe
As I find myself rediscovering many aspects of daily life in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, I can't help but think of Mark Twain, who wrote so masterfully about his travels in Germany and Europe in A Tramp Abroad (1880, translated into German as "Bummel durch...
On the Road Again: Renewing my Acquaintance with the German Autobahn
Today I drove from Frankfurt am Main to Berlin, a distance of about 550 km (342 mi). Most of that drive is on the iconic German Autobahn, and the trip reminded me that German drivers can be just as bad as American drivers, only at much higher speeds. It wasn't the...

White Knuckles
Galavanting about Europe in my early twenties, I spent a spring holiday in Italy. The journey began in Germany, meandering from Frankfurt down through the Black Forest, into Switzerland and through the Gotthard Tunnel (17 km!) to get to the Italian border. The entire...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Part 2a)
Today I'm continuing my list of expat likes (the good), dislikes (the bad) and major gripes (the ugly) – all related to living in Germany. In Part 1 I began with "the bad," but my "good" list has turned out to be even longer! So long in fact, that I need to split my...
Comparing Germany and France and…
There was a time when I thought certain practices and cultural quirks were uniquely German (or Austrian or Swiss), but as I traveled around Europe more and more, I realized that some "German" things are actually European things. The fear of a draft or breeze, for...
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