City Guides: Austria

What to see and do in Austria Austria’s largest city and capital, Vienna (Wien), has a long and storied past. Vienna was once the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg empire, and many traces of that glorious past can still be seen there – and in...

The Berlin Airlift

Die Luftbrücke 1948-1949 The Berlin Blockade & Airlift It was the Cuban missile crisis of its day. The building of the Berlin Wall may be more famous, but few Berlin events brought about as much world tension as the Berlin Blockade of 1948-1949. The Allied reponse...

The East Side Gallery in Berlin

The Vanishing Berlin Wall The rise and fall of Berlin’s East Side Gallery Considering just how historical this Berlin landmark is, it’s amazing how much it has been neglected. Past efforts to preserve and renovate the East Side Gallery section of the...

Berlin Wall Timeline

The Berlin Wall | A Chronology 1961 is the year the Berlin Wall was first built, but the conditions that led up to its construction began earlier, shortly after the end of the Second World War in 1945. The Berlin Airlift (1948-1949) was the landmark event that most...

Berlin and Potsdam

What to See and Do in the German Capital Berlin is Germany’s capital and largest city in area and population. It is both a city and one of Germany’s 16 states (Bundesländer). Home to about 3.4 million residents (4.4 million in the Berlin/Brandenburg metro...