Books: Germany and Austria

Books about Germany, Austria, and Switzerland Books related to travel in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as German/Austrian daily culture, and German/Austrian history. For travel products, Blu-ray/DVD, and other store items, see the main menu above. Jump to...

Epiphany and the Sternsinger

Christmas Traditions: Star Singers, January 6 and C+M+B In Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland, Christmas does not officially end until January 6. That date commemorates the religious feast day known as Epiphany or das Dreikönigsfest (“three kings festival”)...

Steffi Graf

Stefanie (“Steffi”) Graf | Former German Tennis Pro and Champion Although she now lives in Las Vegas, Stefanie Maria Graf was born in Mannheim, West Germany on 14 June 1969. She would later become the world’s number one female tennis player. In the 1980s...