Photo Gallery: The East Side Gallery in Berlin

A Photographic Tour of Berlin’s Wall Art Part of the German Way Photo Galleries In this photo gallery of a special outdoor art gallery in Berlin you’ll find examples of the Wall art that was created in Berlin after most of the Berlin Wall fell in November...

Berlin’s Identity Crisis

What’s Wrong with Berlin? I have lived in Berlin. I have explored Berlin. Like most Berliners, I love Berlin. But it’s more like a love/hate relationship. Berlin is a city that doesn’t really know what it wants to be when it grows up. More than seven...

MLK: 1964 Berlin Locations Photo Tour

A Photo Tour in the Footsteps of Dr. King MLK’s Whirlwind Tour of Berlin: A Chronology Martin Luther King Jr. was in Berlin (East and West) for barely 36 hours in September 1964. In that limited time he saw more of the city than most dignitaries see during...