Christmas Fact for December 1

German Advent Calendar: Fact of the Day 1. Dezember – Der Adventskalender 2023 Advent is the four-week period leading up to Christmas. The Advent season begins on the first Sunday after November 26. The first Advent Sunday in 2023 is December 3. The 24-day...

Martinstag and St. Martin

November 11 and the Legend of St. Martin Martinstag There is a traditional German custom that has a few things in common with Halloween: Martinstag (St. Martin’s Day, Martinsmas). Although they are very different celebrations, the Catholic Martinstag observance on 11...

Christmas Fact 24

German Advent Calendar: Fact of the Day 24. Dezember – Die Bescherung Die Bescherung (2) und der zweite Weihnachtstag As we mentioned in Bescherung (1), the main part of a German Christmas happens on Christmas Eve (am Heiligabend). Shops and offices close in the...

Christmas Fact 23

German Advent Calendar: Fact of the Day 23. Dezember – The Date for Christmas The Date for Christmas: Why December 25th? In the early days of Christianity, the birthday of Jesus was celebrated in various months, including March. No one really knows the true...

Christmas Fact 22

German Advent Calendar: Fact of the Day 22. Dezember – Nativity Scene Nativity Scene – Weihnachtskrippe The first known three-dimensional representation of the nativity scene (Krippenbild or Weihnachtskrippe), as we understand it today, appeared in Prague...