Euro Timeline

A Euro Chronology The euro timeline begins in the aftermath of World War II and reveals the history of the euro and its impact on Europe and the world. Notice how the euro’s history is closely tied to the development of European unity in general. After you have read...

Albert Ballin, Inventor of the Pleasure Cruise

“Der Reeder des Kaisers” – “Ship operator to the Kaiser” The German shipping magnate Albert Ballin (1857-1918) was responsible for turning Germany into a world leader in ocean travel prior to World War I. It was Ballin who also invented the Mediterranean...

The Reichstag in Berlin

The Historic German Parliament Building and How to Tour It Also see Christo’s Wrapped Reichstag (1995) below. I had a difficult time deciding whether to visit the Reichstag dome by day or by night. I solved the dilemma by doing both, and I can recommend that....

Fasching and Karneval

The Fifth Season: Fasching & Karneval Mardi Gras, German Style Different Traditions, Different Dates There are three different words in German for “Carnival” or “Mardi Gras”: Karneval, Fasching and Fastnacht. Although all three refer to the same pre-Lenten...

Erntedank: Thanksgiving in Germany

Erntedank: Thanksgiving Customs in Germany and the USA In the German-speaking countries, Thanksgiving is an autumn harvest celebration called Erntedank or Erntedankfest (“harvest thanksgiving festival”). The observance usually takes place in September or October,...