The German Christmas Candle Arch – der Schwibbogen

Christmas Traditions: The Schwibbogen or Lichterbogen Although the first ones were made of metal, today most German Christmas candle arches are made of wood. Originally, as the name implies, the Christmas candle arches were fancy candleholders or candelabra (candle...

St. Martin’s Day Songs (Lieder)

Martinstag – Kinderlieder Sankt Martin und Martinssingen As you learned on our Martinstag and St. Martin page, children in parts of Germany observe the traditional German custom of St. Martin’s Day that has a few things in common with Halloween. Part of...

Christmas Vocabulary: English-German Glossary

An Annotated English-German Christmas Glossary Christmas | Weihnachten | Winter | Hanukkah | Holidays | Santa | St. Nicholas In this annotated glossary, you’ll find vocabulary and facts related to the Christmas celebration and Christmas customs (and Hanukkah) in...

Christmas Vocabulary: German-English Glossary

An Annotated German-English Christmas Glossary Christmas | Weihnachten | Winter | Hanukkah | Holidays | Santa | St. Nicholas In this annotated glossary, you’ll find vocabulary and facts related to the Christmas celebration and Christmas customs (and Hanukkah) in...