Elvis Presley in Germany

Elvis Presley as a US Soldier Stationed in West Germany: 1958-1960 When Elvis Presley walked off an army troop ship in Bremerhaven, West Germany on October 1, 1958, he was only 23 years old. It was his first (and only!) trip beyond the USA and Canada, courtesy of his...

The Police

Law Enforcement in Germany – die Polizei Since law enforcement in Germany is the responsibility of the 16 states (Bundesländer or Länder), there are some differences among them. Every state police agency has a website where citizens can interact with the police...

Castles and Palaces in Germany

Castles and Palaces | Burgen und Schlösser Welcome to our guide to castles and palaces in Germany! Learn about the history and key attractions of Germany’s many enchanting castles – plus how and when to visit them. First of all, let’s explore the differences between a...

Jet Lag

Some Helpful Jet-Lag Rules Whether you’re a tourist or an expat frequent-flyer, jetting across multiple time zones can take its toll. Different people react differently, but no one can completely escape the physical and mental effects of jet lag. Note that the...

Dean Reed – The Red Elvis

Biography • From the USA to the GDR Dean Reed (1938-1986) was an American actor and singer who was better known behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany than in his homeland. Born in Denver, Colorado in 1938, Dean Reed died in a lake on the outskirts of East Berlin in...