May (Mai) in Germany

Der Mai The fifth month of the year in Germany is the month of Maypoles, May Day, Maibock beer, May bonfires, and many more traditions. May is when Germans welcome full-blown spring and early summer. The cold, gray winter is fading away, the days are growing longer,...

Leipzig City Guide – Part 2

More About Leipzig Introduction for Part 2 Welcome to Part 2 of our two-part Leipzig City Guide. In this section we cover more topics related to getting the most out of your Leipzig visit – from Culinary Leipzig to Walkable Leipzig. Please use the Topic links below to...

Leipzig City Guide

What to See and Do in Leipzig Introduction Leipzig has one of the longest histories of any German city. As a trade city, that history goes back to the Holy Roman Empire, when Leipzig sat at the intersection of two vital medieval trade routes: the Via Regia (east-west)...

Lise Meitner

The True Discoverer of Nuclear Fission The success of the recent blockbuster Oppenheimer movie has prompted many observers to point out a critical failing in the film. Neither the 2023 film nor the 2005 book it’s based on ever mentions the name of the Austrian...