Halloween in Germany

Halloween and Pumpkin Festivals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Halloween may not be a traditional German celebration, but virtually every German youngster knows about it today. For adults as well, over the past couple of decades Halloween has become increasingly...

Epiphany and the Sternsinger

Christmas Traditions: Star Singers, January 6 and C+M+B In Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland, Christmas does not officially end until January 6. That date commemorates the religious feast day known as Epiphany or das Dreikönigsfest (“three kings festival”)...

Advent Customs

Christmas Traditions: Advent in Germany, Austria and Switzerland The Advent tradition is a religious celebration in preparation for the arrival, or “advent” of the Christ Child (das Christkind) on his “official” birthday, the 25th day of December. The Advent season...

Cultural Comparisons 3

Daily Life in the USA vs Germany • Part 3 History & Culture > Cultural Comparisons – Part 1 > Cultural Comparisons – Part 2 > Cultural Comparisons – Part 3 Religion • Social Mores • Cannabis In the charts below you’ll find a simplified...

Stille Nacht / Silent Night: The True Story

Austria’s “Stille Nacht” The world’s most famous Christmas song, “Silent Night,” comes to us from Austria (Österreich in German). Called “Stille Nacht” in its original German, this beautiful Christmas carol is now sung and enjoyed around the world in over 140...