The GW Expat Blog

Long-Distance Grandparenting

January 11, 2017
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Riasing Kids Away From Family

Opa Fresh off the Train Photo: Erin Porter

It is that time of year where our latest visiting family member is on their way home (bye Opa!) and we are reminded how very hard it is to have a baby abroad. We have no one to call about a sickness in the middle of the night, no family at her birthday party, and nary a date night in sight.

While there are many positives of raising a child in Germany (hello practically free child care), nothing replaces family. Though we took two periods of parental leave to stay with family in the States – this is a far-cry from being based in the same city, same state, same continent. Through no-fault of their own, our parents are trying to make Long-Distance Grandparenting work.

I stand firm in thinking Berlin is the place for us and a fabulous place to raise a child, but it is not easy to hear the pain in their voice. While there is no perfect solution, there are things we do to make the distance seem shorter.  Here are three ways to ease the pain of raising kids away from family.

Frequent Video Calls

Seriously – how did people move abroad before the advent of Skype? We have regularly used the service sine first moving overseas in 2007. It can be infuriating when a call inexplicably gets cut off or to try to talk through an echo, but I always remind myself that this is a lot better/faster/cheaper than sending a letter. And there are now many other options like Facebook messenger, WhatsApp for texts, and a host of other services.

Since my little girl is only 2, a lot of the calls are just chatting while we watch her play. On our last call they watched her in the bath and got to enjoy a classic scene of our new kitten falling into the tub. They couldn’t have been more present than if we’d all actually packed into our tiny bathroom.

I’ve heard calls can be difficult with older children whose short attention span makes it impossible to focus on far-away grandparents. Here are some of the top tips I am utilizing:

  • Try chatting during an activity like bath or meal time. The grandparents get to participate in an everyday activity they otherwise are missing out on and the child isn’t in the spotlight, forced to perform.
  • Have the grandparents use a stuffed animal as a special guest. Kids may have an easier time talking to Elmo than Opa. Or in our case, an oinking, tottering pig.
  • Make it a time for show-and-tell. They can gather any new crafts, toys or pictures and show them to the grandparents.
  • Reading a favorite book. I can’t believe how much Little Blue Truck and The Pout-Pout Fish play into our daily lives.
  • Joke Hour! One inventive expat mom said her parents started collecting knock-knock jokes that her kids love. Now that the kids have gotten older, they are sharing jokes of their own. If you’re not one for jokes, try story time.

LOTS of pictures and video

Calls don’t totally fill the gap – especially with a 9 hour time difference. To try and include my parents in all parts of our girl’s life I started a simple tumblr blog where I capture everything from epic spit-ups to first sit-ups. I mark off firsts and gifts she receives so they feel included in all these landmark events.

Pix-Star Wi-Fi Cloud Digital Photo Frame

Pix-Star Wi-Fi Cloud Digital Photo Frame

We also recently got a fancy moving picture frame for the grandparents that is helping them stay connected. As soon as I have a picture I shoot it off to the frame so they can see the latest pics immediately.

I also made a brag book of up-to-date photos that they can whip out and show to their friends, sharing the grandchild’s latest exploits.

Another tip I gleaned off expat moms is to create a photo album of the grandparents for the child. This can help them feel connected and familiar with their extended family. 

Regular Trips Back and Forth

All of this is still no substitute for in-person grandparenting. Our every year-and-a-half trips aren’t cutting it and we are traveling home more than ever, for longer than before. And having kids is a sure-fire way to get your parents to visit more often.

Do you have tips for how to Raise Kids Away from Family? Please share them in the comments.

This edited GW Expat Blog post was originally published on June 17, 2015.

About Erin "ebe" Porter
Motherlord of an American expat family in Berlin. I hail from rainy (but lovely!) Seattle & am raising two little Berliners. Drink, travel, write.


  1. Avatar

    HI Erin,

    My husband and I are from the United states also. We are coming out to Germany for a year study-abroad/internship. The Internship will not start until Fall semester. We just found out we are pregnant (unexpectedly) and Are trying to decide if we should cancel our trip or not. I am worried because our private travel insurance does not cover prenatal care and not sure if we are able to get public insurance out there and how you would do that honestly… Could you give me any tips? Do you know if they will let me into the country if we are just on a residents card with a child? I am a little stressed and any guidance would be great!


    • Erin "ebe" Porter

      Congrats! Although I completely understand your concerns Denalee. I firmly stand by having a baby in Berlin. I had a great experience and am so glad to be raising my daughter in a bilingual, international, dynamic city.

      That said, insurance is straight up tricky. I have private insurance (which I had to have for a period before claiming pregnancy costs). My husband has a contract with a German company that covers his insurance and that of our daughter now that she is born. I do not see how you would get on the pubic health care without a full time work contract, etc. While health care costs are reasonable here (unlike the USA), this would still stack up to thousands of dollars.

      Anyone else have advice? I am far from an insurance guru. I would also refer you to our pages on having a baby in Germany ( and insurance ( They are great resources. Good luck!

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