“Still, still, still, weil’s Kindlein schlafen will” – Lyrics

A German Christmas Carol in German and English

This Christmas carol is a Wiegenlied (“cradle song” or lullaby) that originated in Austria in the mid-1800s. Also see an English version (“Hush, Hush, Hush”) below. Learn more in “About this Carol” below.

“Still, still, still”
“Hush, Hush, Hush”
Deutsch (German) English
Musik: Volksweise
Traditional melody
German lyrics: Georg Götsch
Literal English translation – HF
Still, still, still,
weil’s Kindlein schlafen will!
Maria tut es nieder singen,
ihre keusche Brust darbringen,
Still, still, still,
weil’s Kindlein schlafen will!
Hush, hush, hush,
for the little child wants wants to sleep!
Maria sings to him,
offers him her chaste breast.
Hush, hush, hush,
for the little child wants to sleep.
Schlaf, schlaf, schlaf,
mein liebes Kind schlaf!
Die Engel tun schon musizieren,
bei dem Kindlein jubilieren.
Schlaf, schlaf, schlaf,
mein liebes Kind schlaf!
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
my dear child sleep!
The angels are making beautiful music,
celebrating the little child
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
my dear child sleep.
Groß, groß, groß,
die Lieb’ ist übergroß!
Gott hat den Himmelsthron verlassen,
und muss reisen auf der Strassen.
Groß, groß, groß,
die Lieb’ ist übergroß.
Great, great, great,
the love is enormous!
God has left his heavenly throne
and must travel on the road.
Great, great, great,
the love is enormous!
Wir, wir, wir,
tun rufen all zu Dir:
Tu uns des Himmels Reich aufzuschließen,
wenn wir einmal sterben müssen.
Wir, wir, wir,
tun rufen all zu Dir.
We, we, we,
are all calling to Thee:
Open up the heavenly realm to us,
when we once must die.
We, we, we,
are all calling out to Thee.
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About This Carol

This Mannheim Steamroller CD includes “Still, still, still” and other carols. You can get the album or just the one carol from Amazon.com.

The melody for “Still, still, still” is a traditional folk tune from the Austrian state of Salzburg. The carol appeared for the first time in 1865 in a folksong collection (Salzburgische Volks-Lieder mit ihren Singweisen) by Maria Vinzenz Süß (1802–1868), founder of the Salzburg Museum. The words, which run between four and six verses in German, describe the peacefulness of the infant Jesus and his mother as the baby is sung to sleep. The modern Hochdeutsch (standard German) version is attributed to Georg Götsch (1895–1956).

There are various English translations of “Still, still, still.” Here is a four-verse version from The Wartburg Hymnal (O. Hardwig, Ed., 1918), entitled “Hush, Hush, Hush”:

“Hush, Hush, Hush”

Hush, hush, hush!
Behold the wondrous Light!
Who will appear? The Christ-child dear,
For this, you know, is Holy night.
For this, you know, is Holy night.

Hark, hark, hark!
He’s knocking at the door:
Hear His bell ring; for joy we sing:
Come quick, for we can wait no more.
Come quick, for we can wait no more.

Yes, yes, yes,
We love Thee one and all;
With gifts so bright this Christmas night,
Dear Jesus, bless us, great and small.
Dear Jesus, bless us, great and small.

Thanks, thanks, thanks,
O Child, we love so well
We children here pray, Savior dear,
Thou in our heart alone wilt dwell.
Thou in our heart alone wilt dwell.

VIDEO: “Still, still, still” – Kölner Dommusik

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