“Lasst uns froh und munter sein” – Lyrics

A German Christmas Carol in German and English

Melody and Lyrics: Traditional (Taunus)

This song is a traditional folk carol from Germany’s Taunus region (Frankfurt area). It is usually sung on or around Nicholas Eve (Nikolausabend, Dec. 5). In some regions of Germany, the Christmas season begins on Nikolaustag (St. Nicholas Day, Dec. 6). Dressed as a bishop, Saint Nicholas leaves gifts for the children on Nicholas Eve. Thomas Nast was a child in Landau in der Pfalz, where he experienced the Nicholas tradition. Later in the United States, after he became a famous political cartoonist, he also helped spread the legend of St. Nick (Santa), based on his German experiences. With his illustrations, Nast even helped create the image of the American Santa Claus we have today.

Thomas Nast Markt - Landau

The city of Landau in der Pfalz (in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate) honors its native son with its annual Christmas market, the Thomas Nast Nikolausmarkt. PHOTO: Büro für Tourismus, Landau

Also see Saint Nicholas for more about Nast and the many German St. Nicks.

View a video version of this carol below.

“Lasst uns froh und munter sein”
“Let us be happy and cheery”
Deutsch (German) English
Aus dem Taunus, 19th century Literal English translation – HF
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
und uns in dem Herrn erfreu’n.*
Lustig, lustig, tra-le-ra-le-ra,
bald ist Nikolausabend da,
bald ist Nikolausabend da.
Let us be happy and cheery,
and rejoice in the Lord.
Merry, merry, tra-la-la-la-la,
soon Nicholas Eve is here,
soon Nicholas Eve is here.
Dann stell ich den Teller auf,
Niklaus legt gewiss was drauf.
Lustig, lustig, traleralera,
bald ist Nikolausabend da,
bald ist Nikolausabend da.
Then I set the plate out,
Nicholas will surely put something on it.
Merry, merry, tra-la-la-la-la,
soon Nicholas Eve is here,
soon Nicholas Eve is here.
Wenn ich schlaf’, dann träume ich:
Jetzt bringt Niklaus was für mich.
Lustig, lustig, tra-le-ra-le-ra,
bald ist Nikolausabend da,
bald ist Nikolausabend da.
When I sleep, then I dream.
Now Nicholas brings something for me.
Merry, merry, tra-la-la-la-la,
soon Nicholas Eve is here,
soon Nicholas Eve is here.
Wenn ich aufgestanden bin,
Lauf’ ich schnell zum Teller hin.
Lustig, lustig, tra-le-ra-le-ra,
bald ist Nikolausabend da,
bald ist Nikolausabend da.
When I get up,
I run quickly to the plate.
Merry, merry, tra-la-la-la-la,
soon Nicholas Eve is here,
soon Nicholas Eve is here.
Niklaus ist ein guter Mann,
Dem man nicht g’nug danken kann.
Lustig, lustig, tra-le-ra-le-ra,
bald ist Nikolausabend da,
bald ist Nikolausabend da.
Nicholas is a good man
Whom one can’t thank enough.
Merry, merry, tra-la-la-la-la,
soon Nicholas Eve is here,
soon Nicholas Eve is here.
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About This Carol

There are several regional and other versions of the lyrics to “Lasst uns froh und munter sein.” Some sources credit Josef Annegarn (1794-1843) as the composer.

Some alternate verses:

*Alternate 1st verse:
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
und uns recht von Herzen freu’n …
[and let us rejoice right from the heart]

Alternate 2nd verse:
Bald ist uns’re Schule aus,
Dann zieh’n wir vergnügt nach Haus.
[Soon our school will be out,
then we’ll go home with pleasure.]

VIDEO: “Lasst uns froh und munter sein” (with on-screen lyrics)

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  • The Thomas Nast Nikolausmarkt in Landau in der Pfalz honors the German-American creator of the modern image of Santa Claus (St. Nick).

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