A German Christmas Carol in German and English
“Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen” is a German Christmas carol first published in 1841 with words by Hermann Kletke (1813-1886).

A burning candle in a metal holder on a Christmas tree.
PHOTO: Image by beauty_of_nature from Pixabay
Also see the video version of this carol below, as well as more information about this German carol below.
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“Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen”“On the Christmas Tree the Lights Are Burning” |
Deutsch (German) | English |
Musik: Volksweise Text: Hermann Kletke, 1841 |
Traditional melody Literal English translation – HF |
1 Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen, Wie glänzt er festlich, lieb und mild, Als spräch’ er: wollt in mir erkennen Getreuer Hoffnung stilles Bild. |
1 On the Christmas tree the lights are burning How festively, lovely and mildly it gleams, As if to say: “Find in me The quiet image of faithful hope!” |
2 Die Kinder steh’n mit hellen Blicken, Das Auge lacht, es lacht das Herz; O fröhlich’, seliges Entzücken! Die Alten schauen himmelwärts. |
2 The children stand with bright eyes, The eye laughs, the heart as well; O joyful, blessed rapture! The old ones gaze heavenward. |
3 Zwei Engel sind hereingetreten, Kein Auge hat sie kommen seh’n, Sie geh’n zum Weihnachtstisch und beten, Und wenden wieder sich und geh’n. |
3 Two angels have come in No eye has seen them enter, They go to the Christmas table and pray, And turn around and leave. |
4 „Gesegnet seid ihr alten Leute, Gesegnet sei du kleine Schar! Wir bringen Gottes Segen heute Dem braunen, wie dem weißen Haar. |
4 “Blessed be you old people, Blessed be you, small flock! We bring God’s blessing today To the brown as well as the white-haired. |
5 Zu guten Menschen, die sich lieben, Schickt uns der Herr als Boten aus, Und seid ihr treu und fromm geblieben, Wir treten wieder in dies Haus!“ |
5 To good people who love each other, Does the Lord send us as messengers, And if you have remained faithful and pious, We will come back into this house!” |
6 Kein Ohr hat ihren Spruch vernommen, Unsichtbar jedes Menschen Blick, Sind sie gegangen, wie gekommen, Doch Gottes Segen blieb zurück! |
6 No ear heard what they said, Invisible to any human sight, They left as they had come, But God’s blessing remained! |
BACK > German Christmas Carol Lyrics The German Way – www.german-way.com |
About This Carol
“Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen” is a German Christmas carol devoted to the Christmas tree as a symbol of hope, just as “O Tannenbaum” had first done in 1824. The writer of the lyrics, Hermann Kletke (1813-1886), was born in Breslau (now Wrocław, Poland). He died in Berlin. The carol melody, by an unknown composer, had been used previously for at least two other non-Christmas songs.
Unlike “O Tannenbaum”, the emphasis in Kletke’s carol lyrics is not on the evergreen needles, but on the tree’s glowing lights. The “Lichter” were of course candles, since in 1841 the electric light bulb had not yet been invented. Another 40 years would pass before that happened. The first Christmas tree with electric lights did not appear until 1882 – in New York City. In fact, even candle-lit Christmas trees were still a rarity in German-speaking Europe in the mid-19th century. That was something that only the well-off could afford at that time.
In this carol, Kletke’s lyrics focus on the symbolism of the decorated Christmas tree, its shining candles, and the tree’s message of hope and joy. Yet, despite the presence of angels, there is no mention of the birth of Jesus or the Christmas story. The song emphasizes the idea of the family gathered around the tree and the atmosphere of celebrating together in the glow of that tree.
VIDEO: “Am Weihnachtsbaum” with on-screen lyrics in German and English
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