“Alle Jahre wieder” – Lyrics

A German Christmas Carol in German and English

Music: Friedrich Silcher (1842)
Lyrics: Wilhelm Hey (1837)

This carol, with very religious lyrics written by Wilhelm Hey in 1837, remains one of the most popular today. Earlier alternate versions of “Alle Jahre wieder” with music by Ernst Anschütz and Christian Heinrich Rinck never became as popular as the standard version by Friedrich Silcher (1842) that is sung today.

CD: Advent mit Peter Alexander

CD: Advent mit Peter Alexander – This ‘Advent’ CD contains many popular German Christmas carols. For “Alle Jahre wieder” see the WEIHNACHTEN MIT PETER ALEXANDER (green cover) CD link below.

Johann Wilhelm Hey (1789-1854) was the court chaplain (Hofprediger) in Gotha in Thuringia. Some of the best-known German Christmas carols, including this one, come from the German state of Thuringia. Hey (pron. HIGH) became most famous for his 1833 collection of “50 Fables for Children,” with illustrations by Otto Speckter (Fünfzig Fabeln für Kinder – mit Bildern gezeichnet von Otto Speckter) which was republished many times. In 1835 another volume, “Noch 50 Fabeln in Bildern,” appeared. In 1841 the fables were translated into French, English and Dutch.

Below is Hey’s and Silcher’s “Alle Jahre wieder,” one of the most popular German carols. Also see a video version of this carol below.

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“Alle Jahre wieder”
“Every Year Again”
Deutsch (German) English
Text: Wilhelm Hey, 1837 Literal English translation – HF
Alle Jahre wieder
Kommt das Christuskind
Auf die Erde nieder,
Wo wir Menschen sind.
Every year again
Comes the Christ Child
Down to earth
Where we humans are.
Kehrt mit seinem Segen
Ein in jedes Haus,
Geht auf allen Wegen
Mit uns ein und aus.
Calls with his blessing
At every house
Walks on all paths
With us in and out.
Steht auch mir zur Seite
Still und unerkannt,
Dass es treu mich leite
An der lieben Hand
Stands also at my side
Quietly and unrecognized
To guide me faithfully
By his dear hand.
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“Alle Jahre wieder” Printable PDF from The German Way
PDF: “Alle Jahre wieder” German and English lyrics
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About This Carol

Thüringen (Thuringia – see English below)
Einige der bekanntesten Weihnachtslieder stammen aus Thüringen. 1816 dichtete Johann Daniel Falk in Weimar “Oh du fröhliche”. Der aus Goldlauter bei Suhl stammende Ernst Gebhard Salomon Anschütz komponierte die Melodie “O Tannenbaum”, und den Text für “Alle Jahre wieder” schuf im Jahr 1837 der Gothaer Hofprediger Wilhelm Hey.

ENGLISH: Some of the best-known [German] Christmas carols come from Thuringia. In 1816 Johann Daniel Falk wrote the words to “Oh du fröhliche” in Weimar. Ernst Gebhard Salomon Anschütz from Goldlauter bei Suhl composed the melody for “O Tannenbaum.” In 1837 the Gotha court chaplain Wilhelm Hey created the lyrics for “Alle Jahre wieder.”
Quelle/Source: “Thüringer Adventskonzert in Berlin” (www.thueringen.de, page no longer online)

GERMAN CHRISTMAS CAROL CDs from Amazon.com and Amazon.de
Featuring Christmas songs performed by the late popular Austrian crooner Peter Alexander. NOTE: The “Advent” CD does not include “Alle Jahre wieder,” but the “Weihnachten” CD does. (Put your cursor over the album back cover at Amazon to see a list of the songs on each CD.



MORE > The German Way Advent Calendar with Christmas facts (in season)

VIDEO 1: “Alle Jahre wieder” – Die besten Weihnachts- und Winterlieder | Kinderlieder

VIDEO 2: “Alle Jahre wieder” (children’s choir)

Next | German Christmas Carol Lyrics in German and English

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