German Vocabulary • Autokauf | Buying a Car
German Language > Autokauf: German-English
An Annotated German-English Glossary of Car-Buying Terms
This annotated German-English glossary specializes in vocabulary related to buying a car in Germany. For more about that, see our “How To”: How to Buy or Lease a Car in Germany – Autokauf in Deutschland

Because the cost of fuel is twice as much per gallon as in the US, many Germans prefer a smaller vehicle like this Smart car. PHOTO: Hyde Flippo
German-English Glossary of Terms for Car-Buying in Germany
Glossary Copyright © 2017-2019 Hyde Flippo
adj. (adjective), adv. (adverb), n. (noun), pl. (plural), sl. (slang), v.i (intransitive verb), v.t (transitive verb)
Ankauf, der | purchase
Anmeldung, die | registration of your home address with German authorities
Anzahlung, die | down payment
Autohändler, der | auto dealer, auto store
Autohaus, das | auto dealer, auto store
Autoversicherung, die | auto insurance
Bargeld, das | cash
Cabrio, das/Cabriolet, das | convertible (car)
eVB, die (elektronische Versicherungsbestätigung) | electronic insurance confirmation, proof of insurance
(A document you need in order to buy and finance a car in Germany.)
finanzieren (v.t.) | to finance
Finanzierung, die | financing
Gebrauchtwagen, der | used car
Geldwäsche, die | money laundering
Geldwäschegesetzt, das | (anti-) money-laundering law
Haftpflicht, die | liability (insurance)
Jahreswagen, der | low-mileage car that is only one year old
Kaufvertrag, der | sales agreement, sales contract
Kfz, das (das Kraftfahrzeug) | motor vehicle
Kfz-Kennzeichen, das | vehicle license plate, number plate
Kredit, der | credit; loan
leasen (v.t.) | to lease
Leasing, das | leasing
Lkw (der Lastkraftwagen) | truck, lorry
More on The German Way How to Buy or Lease a Car in Germany – A step-by-step guide to buying or leasing a car in Germany |
Pkw, der (der Personenkraftwagen) | passenger car, automobile
Probefahrt, die | test drive
Schadensfreiheit, die | accident/damage free, no claims filed
Schaltgetriebe, das | manual shift (stick shift), manual transmission
Schwackeliste, die | a list of values for used cars, similar to the Kelly Blue Book in the US
Selbstbeteiligung, die | deductible amount (when filing a claim)
StVO, die | abbrev. of Straßenverkehrsordnung = traffic laws; Highway Code (Br)
Teilkasko, das | insurance coverage for fire, theft, third party
TÜV, der (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein) | German organization that checks the safety of technical installations, machinery and motor vehicles; safety inspection
TÜV-geprüft (adj) safety tested by the TÜV
Überführungskosten, die | destination fee, delivery charge (factory to dealer)
Verkauf, der | sale
versichern (v.t.) | to insure
Versicherung, die | insurance
Vertragshändler, der | authorized dealer
Vollkasko, das | (fully) comprehensive insurance coverage
von privat | (sold by a) private seller
Vorversicherung, die | pre-insurance (for buying a car)
zulassen (v.t.) | to register, license (a vehicle)
Zulassung, die | registration, licensing (of a vehicle)
Zulassungsstelle, die | (vehicle) registration office
More | How to Buy or Lease a Car in Germany
ALSO SEE: Learning German: More German-English and English-German Glossaries