Learning German
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
„Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.“
– Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922)
Vocabulary! See our new annotated glossaries below!

“Deutschland 83” set a precedent. It was the first German television series to be broadcast on American TV – in German with English subtitles. Now you can watch the 2018 sequel, Deutschland 86! In 2015, the SundanceTV cable channel first broadcast eight Deutschland 83 episodes about East and West Germany in the 1980s. (“Deutschland 89” is scheduled for release in 2021.) The show is a co-production by Amazon, SundanceTV in the US, and RTL Television in Germany. It was highly praised by both critics and viewers. PHOTO: SundanceTV
The German Language
Find articles, glossaries, and blog posts here at The German Way related to learning, using, and enjoying German. Also see the “Prinzen” music video below!
Annotated English-German/German-English Glossaries
Helpful, everyday vocabulary arranged in topical glossaries.
Autokauf: German-English Glossary
Related to our Autokauf: Buying a Car in Germany guide, this German-English glossary helps you with the German terms that may come up in the process of buying or leasing a car in Germany.
Christmas Vocabulary: German-English Glossary
Our newest German-English and English-German annotated glossary covers the topic of Christmas (A-to-Z). Also see Christmas Carols in German and English.
Easter: German-English Vocabulary
Our annotated glossaries – German-English and English-German – for Easter (Ostern) and springtime (Frühling).
Walpurgis: English-German Vocabulary
Our annotated glossary for the German Walpurgis Night (Beltane) custom on April 30.
Das Wort des Tages
The Advanced German Word of the Day (das Wort des Tages) is back! Since we closed down our AboutGerman.net site, people tell us they have missed the “Wort des Tages” vocabulary feature – with audio. It’s no longer daily, but we feature advanced German word archives with an index of past vocabulary. More…
Christmas Carols in German and English
Popular German and Austrian carols with side-by-side lyrics in German and English.
German Way Blog Posts About German
Two Songs, Two Flowers: “Edelweiss” and “Erika”
With lyrics in German and English. And, no, “Edelweiss” is not really a German folksong.
Blogs about the German Language
GW Expat Blog posts listed under the “German language” category.
Blog Posts about German Vocabulary
GW Expat Blog posts with a “German vocabulary” tag. Two examples: How I Became Fluent in German Fast and When a Brötchen is a Bömmel ….
More German
German Dialects
The regional versions of German. Often you’ll hear German you never learned in school.
Du and Sie
“You” in German can be a little tricky: the familiar versus the formal “you” – friends, family and acquaintances.
Holidays and Celebrations
A calendar of special days in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Language Borrowing in German and English
German in English and English in German, not to mention French and Latin borrowings.
Resources for Learning German
Below you’ll find a list of useful websites, organizations, and other helpful resources that can help you in your efforts to learn how to read, understand, speak, and write German.
BBC – German Lessons
From the BBC: “All you need to start learning German.”
Everything You Need to Know About German
An interesting overview from optilingo.com.
ThoughtCo. German
Many of my updated German lessons and materials are online at ThoughtCo.com (formerly About.com. – I was at About.com for 10 years until 2008.)
Goethe Institute
The Goethe Institute (GI) is a worldwide resource with online resources and German lessons offered at local GI offices around the globe, including in the US and Canada. Also in English.
Step into German
An outstanding online course from the Goethe Institute in San Francisco.
Next | Language Borrowing in German and English
Video 1: Die Prinzen – “Deutschland”
A music video by the German group “Die Prinzen” (The Princes).
Video 2: Die Prinzen – “Be cool, sprich Deutsch!”
A music video by the German group “Die Prinzen” (The Princes).
Related Pages
- The German Language – Part 2 – The umlaut, German slang, idioms, etc.
- Das Wort des Tages – Advanced and intermediate German vocabulary with audio
- Language Borrowing in German and English – German in English and English in German, plus French and Latin!
- Featured Bios of notable Austrians, Germans and Swiss
- Notable Germans, Austrians and Swiss
- Famous Graves – The graves and cemeteries of the famous
- City Guides: Germany – Guides for Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Munich…
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