Flying with Your Pet to Frankfurt or Munich
An Expat How-To Guide from the German Way (updated for 2022)
The current EU regulations for importing “certain pet animals (dogs, cats, ferrets)” require a certified rabies shot within 365 to 30 days before entering Germany and most other EU countries. Also see the rules below for a microchip implant and other requirements.
Plan Ahead!
The key thing when it comes to bringing or shipping a pet from North America to Europe is advance planning. Germany and the EU have specific requirements, including a rabies shot and a microchip. (All cats, dogs and ferrets must have a microchip and a rabies vaccination.) If you wait until the last minute, you may be traveling without your pet! Some international airlines allow smaller pets (10 pounds or less) to be carried with you in an approved carrier in the passenger cabin; the pet carrier must be kept under the seat in front of you, and airlines have other special in-cabin restrictions. (New Covid-19 restrictions may apply!) Larger dogs have to travel as “live cargo.” You will need an airline-approved pet kennel for this. Airlines charge a fee for a Europe-bound in-cabin or baggage-checked pet (usually about $200) or a pet being shipped as international cargo ($400-600). Check with your airline for the exact rates. In-cabin pets are not allowed on flights to the United Kingdom, and special UK requirements apply to pets traveling as cargo. This applies even if your pet’s final destination is Germany.
New Flight Restrictions for Pets United Airlines: In early May 2018, following several pet deaths on the airline’s planes, United announced some new policies related to dogs and cats that took effect in June 2018. Among the changes are bans on certain breeds, and smaller cargo carrier sizes. See more details below. |
Seven things you have to do to prepare your dog or cat for the trip to Germany:
- 1. Make sure your dog is not a prohibited breed! Some airlines will not accept certain dog and cat breeds for international travel. Germany labels certain breeds (pit bull terriers and others) as dangerous or aggressive, and does not allow them to be imported. However, this can vary by state. For example, Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) no longer prohibits any breed of dog. Most average dogs are permitted. See more about this below.
- 2. Buy a suitable pet carrier at a pet supply store. The carrier must be large enough to allow your pet to stand and turn around. If in doubt, get a carrier a size larger. Especially when shipping from Germany to the USA, a larger size may be required. Check with the airline about possible size restrictions.
- 3. Get your animal accustomed to the carrier. Do this well in advance of your flight.
- 4. Make your airline reservations, including one for your pet! Airlines require an advance reservation for pets traveling in the cabin or being checked as luggage.
- 5. If your pet does not already have a microchip, get that done. Do this BEFORE the required rabies shot. Make sure the chip is ISO standard 11784 or 11785. Most vets will know about this. (Tattooing is no longer allowed. Older tattoos done when that was permitted are allowed if still legible.)
- 6. Have your pet vaccinated for rabies no less than 21 days before departure, with the required documentation. Germany accepts up to a three-year rabies vaccination for dogs, as long as it still valid. If revaccination is required, it is considered a new vaccination. Make sure you do the microchipping before any rabies shot, otherwise your dog will have to get another shot.
- 7. Get the proper paperwork done. Your pet needs a health certificate (Form 988 in German and English) filled out by a vet and dated within 10 days of departure. Most vets will have this “pet passport” form, but if not, it is available online (see links below).
Do all this in the proper order! Your animal must be vaccinated only after being fitted with a microchip. If not, it will have to be vaccinated for rabies again after the microchip has been inserted. Puppies younger than three months do not have to have a rabies vaccination, but must be inspected.
Airline Pet Travel Restrictions

A good air travel kennel, like this Petmate Sky Kennel from Amazon, is a must for transporting your dog as cargo. PHOTO:
Airlines have their own restrictions on pet travel, which can vary widely. For instance, American Airlines does not allow in-cabin pets on transatlantic flights, but will accept pets in approved containers as checked baggage. American also will not accept pets (other than service dogs) for travel to the United Kingdom. Delta does not accept pets as checked baggage, but will transport allowable pets in aircraft cabins. In 2018 United announced some major changes to its pet travel policies, including limits on certain breeds. Lufthansa offers both carry-on and cargo options, but charges up to 380 euros for shipping a pet as cargo between the US and the European Union.
Each airline also has its own guidelines on weight and size, weather-related restrictions (too hot or too cold), and other aspects of traveling with a dog or cat. That’s why it is essential that you verify the guidelines for the airline your pet will be flying. For details, see our airline links below under “On the Web.”
Extreme Heat or Cold Restrictions
During very hot or cold weather, airlines will refuse to transport animals. Your pet could die or become ill under conditions of extreme heat or cold. Each airline has its own rules, but as an example, Delta’s policy is: no pet travel as checked baggage if temps are below 10°F (-12C) or above 85°F (29.4C); no pets as checked baggage from May 15 through September 15. (Cargo shipment is allowed.) Some airlines will accept pets in the summer months under certain conditions. If possible, in the summer, book a flight that departs in the evening or early morning hours when temperatures are less likely to be very hot. But some airlines block pet reservations to or from certain hot-weather airports in the summer. For instance, United won’t accept pets between May 1 and September 30 at Las Vegas (LAS), Phoenix (PHX), and a few other US airports, due to high temperature restrictions. Always verify your airline’s pet travel rules.
Dangerous Dogs
Each of Germany’s 16 states has its own laws concerning “dangerous dogs” that are not allowed. See below for more about “SoKa” – prohibited dog breeds. Airlines also ban certain breeds that “have unique respiratory challenges due to the anatomy of their noses and throats, and are more prone to risk when under stress or exposed to other environmental changes.” (United Airlines)
Food and Water
Do not put food inside the pet carrier prior to the flight, but you do need to provide water. Some people recommend freezing the water to prevent it from making a mess when the carrier is moved around before the flight. A hamster feeder bottle is another option for water.
Military Personnel Since January 2013, US military personnel and their families have been required to pay a 55-euro fee (per pet) for pet inspections when entering Germany via Ramstein Air Base or the Frankfurt International Airport. Although the examinations have been required by the EU since 2004, only now do military people have to pay a fee, which can only be paid with a credit card. (Source: Stars and Stripes) WEB: Ramstein Air Base Factsheet: Pets |
UK Requirements
If you fly to Germany via the United Kingdom, remaining in transit, you do not need to worry about the additional requirements of the UK. However, if you enter the UK before traveling on to Germany or any other EU country, you must comply with the UK’s more stringent pet import requirements. Some airlines impose restrictions on pet travel to the UK, so you should check with your airline.
More Pet Travel Facts
Additional information concerning international travel with your dog or cat…
- Germany does not require quarantine, but it does require a recent rabies vaccination, a microchip and a veterinary health certificate.
- The laws and regulations concerning pets vary among each of Germany’s 16 federal states (Bundesländer). You need to know the laws for the state where you will be living. Dogs (but not cats) must be licensed in all states – with an average annual fee of about €120!
- Never sedate your pet prior to air travel. This can endanger your animal, and airlines will refuse to transport a sedated pet. In most cases your pet will survive the flight better than you will.
- A maximum of five animals may be imported for non-commercial purposes, but airlines limit the number of pets on an aircraft, and you must make a reservation for your pet(s).
- A pet tattoo was also accepted until July 3, 2011. Now the EU requires a microchip implant.
- SoKa (“Sogenannter Kampfhund”): Germany bans certain dangerous or aggressive dog breeds (so-called Kampfhunde, “fighting dogs”). You are not allowed to import or bring in certain breeds, including pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, and other dogs descendant from any of these dogs. If you are not sure about your breed of dog, it is wise to check in advance. Also see: (1) Dangerous Dogs – A guide to prohibited breeds (by federal state), in English from German Customs (; and (2) Rasseliste – Wikipedia – A guide to prohibited breeds (SoKa) in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (in German).
- Guide and service dogs are usually allowed in the passenger cabin, but check with your airline.
- Cats: Some airlines prohibit certain cat breeds that, similar to dogs, may have breathing issues.
- Pet birds fall under special requirements to prevent avian diseases. Some airlines only allow dogs or cats.
- There are generally no restrictions on the non-commercial import of the following animals: guinea pigs, pet rabbits (max. of 3), turtles/tortoises (except for endangered species). However, airlines impose their own restrictions on carrying such pets. Contact your airline about its requirements.
- Some airlines allow you to travel with a small pet using a carrier in the passenger cabin. (American Airlines does not allow in-cabin pets on flights to or from Europe.) But the import requirements are the same as those for pets transported as checked luggage or “live cargo” in the cargo compartment.
- Most airlines do not allow in-cabin pets in business class or first class sections. You’ll have to travel tourist class if you want your pet in the cabin. (This actually has more to do with under-seat space than with “class.”)
- Train travel with pets: If your pet is small enough to travel in a small cage or basket, there is no charge. Owners of larger dogs must purchase a ticket (half fare) for the dog. The dog must be on a leash and be muzzled.
Pet Relocation Services
Just as for human professionals, there are relocation services for pets as well. Such services will assist you with all the hassles of moving your pet – for a fee of course. But it may be worth it to you to have help with this burden. Just do a search for “pet relocation services.”
See the special web links below for more about traveling to or from Germany with your pet.
Next | Blog Post: Moving with Max
Related Pages
- Blog: Dog essentials in Germany (and other pets too) – GW expat blogger AlieC with some good advice about having pets Germany
- Blog: Lost Pets in Germany – GW expat blogger Erin with some good advice concerning pets Germany
- Blog: Moving with Max – GW expat blogger Jessica’s experiences with taking her dog to Germany
- Blog: For the Expat Pet People – More by GW expat blogger Jessica
- Blog: There’s a Dog in the Pub – Bad dog! North Americans, your dog needs to be trained for Germany! Good advice from Jessica
- Living in Germany – Our starting page for expat matters
- City Guides: Germany – Explore German cities
- Air Travel – Flying to or in Germany
- Rail Travel in Germany
- Travel and Tourism – Travel-related information for Germany, Austria, Switzerland
- Pet Movement in the EU – From the EU, in English
- PDF Version of Form 988 – From the USDA, the six-page pet health certificate form for the EU and Germany – in German and English
- Traveling with Pets: Cats, Dogs and Ferrets from the German Embassy in the USA – About traveling with your pet(s) from the United States to Germany (up to five per person), with specific information about regulations and procedures.
- Dangerous Dogs ( – Certain dog breeds are banned from import to Germany! – from German Customs (in English)
- American Airlines – Traveling with Pets – American Airlines’ pet policy information with answers to many common questions regarding the transportation of pets. Includes special pet guidelines for travel to international destinations.
- American Airlines Cargo – Transporting Animals – American Airlines information about shipping your pet in cargo (required for flights to the UK from the US). Includes preparation and document guidelines, and a link to AA’s 24/7 Dedicated Animal Help Desk.
- Delta – Pet Requirements – Delta does not accept pets as checked baggage, but will transport allowable pets in aircraft cabins. Delta Cargo only accepts international pet shipments from known shippers approved by the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA). Delta does not accept pets in the cabin to/from the UK.
- Lufthansa – Travel with Animals – Guidelines and for traveling with your pet on Lufthansa flights
- Lufthansa – Transporting Animals as Excess Baggage – Fees and guidelines for pets transported as cargo (340-380 EUR) on Lufthansa flights
- United Airlines – In-cabin pets – United allows cats or dogs to travel accompanied in the aircraft cabin on most flights. The kennel must fit completely under the seat in front of the customer and remain there at all times. There are size and weight restrictions.
- United Airlines – Pet Prep – United has new guidelines for transporting pets as cargo under its PetSafe® program.
- Airline Pet Policies – A survey of airline pet policies and fees from
- Pet Friendly Hotels – Germany – A survey of airline pet policies and fees from
- Flying via the UK?
- Bringing your pet dog, cat or ferret to the UK – How to enter or return to the UK with your pet cat, dog or ferret
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Hi! I come from Peru and I am moving to Germany at the end of the year. I have read about how to take my dog with me and read the Hundelist. My dog is an American Bully and in some countrys it is considered as a dangerous dog (but it isn’t). In the Hundelist of German it doesn’t figure but I don’t know if maybe still there is some kind of restriction? I know that I have to pay taxes and the value depends on the city I’m going to live but, I don’t know if it is forbidden to import this kind of dogs?
Please if you have some information about it, I’ll be grateful.
Thanks in advance and best Regards