The German Way Forum Has Shut Down
Living, Working or Traveling in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
What Was the Forum?
The German Way Facebook Forum was a discussion group for travelers, expats, or anyone interested in daily life, and the cultural and language aspects of the German-speaking world. Our members were people from all around the globe, including expats living in Germany or other German-speaking countries. People who wanted to know more or share information about how Austrians, Germans, and the Swiss think, do business, and act in their daily lives, could use the German Way FB Forum. As of July 2024 the GW Facebook Forum has closed down. Note, however, that our regular German Way Facebook Page continues to be available, as before.

An S-Bahn commuter train in Bregenz, Austria, on Lake Constance. Do you know how to get around by rail in Austria and Germany? PHOTO: Hyde Flippo
Which languages? Welche Sprachen?
Members could post and reply in either English or German. The Forum moderators understand both English and German. Members could use the language that they’re most comfortable with: English or Deutsch.
Who was invited to join?
Whether you’re a novice or an expert in things Germanic, the German Way FB Forum was a good place to share and gain information. Expats in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, or expats-to-be who will soon be there found the Forum particularly useful for sharing practical information. Trying to figure out a German expression? Ask in the Forum. Need info about renting or buying a house or apartment in Germany? Ask in the Forum. Need travel tips? Ask in the Forum. (But not right now.)
What About the Future?
Although the German Way FB Forum is no longer available, we are looking at alternative formats. In the past we had a forum using software designed for that purpose, and it worked well. However, it required a forum manager and was a high-maintenance situation. We are still looking at all options.
As noted above, our regular German Way Facebook Page is still online, and you’re welcome to follow us there. See the links below.
Also see our German Way Expat Blog!
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