The German Way Expat Blog is an integral part of the German Way website. It is aimed at English-speaking expats living or planning to live in Austria, Germany, German Switzerland, or any other German-speaking country (there are at least nine, depending on various criteria) – but anyone interested in the German-speaking countries will find our blog and website of interest.
The GW Expat Blog Team

Hyde in Hannover, Germany
PHOTO © Cheryl Flippo
Our biweekly blog posts are now written by German Way webmaster Hyde Flippo (HF), usually but not always from Reno, and Berlin-based Erin (“ebe”) Porter.
In fall 2019 we reluctantly had to say “Auf Wiedersehen” to several of our longtime blog writers: Alie in the Stuttgart area, and Chloë in Berlin. But you can still enjoy their past blog posts here.
Former German Way blogger Sarah Elwell recently left Bremen to return to the UK. Other former GW writers include Laura Vázquez (Karlsruhe) and Jay.
These former GW blog writers can be read in print: Jane, Sarah (sarahfancy) and Ruth contributed to our new book, Germany for Beginners: The German Way Expat Guidebook. Topics by another former GW blog writer, JessicaL, can also be found in the new book. Jessica lived in Switzerland and Germany before later living in Russia and Denmark. After a second expat stay in Denmark, Jessica now has a young daughter and does freelance writing from her native Canada and other spots. Her articles have appeared in various magazines and newspapers, online and in print.
About Hyde
As a high school teacher and community college instructor of German for almost 30 years, Hyde visited German-speaking Europe many times, including US student exchanges with families in Berlin, Freiburg and Austria. After writing his first book on German culture and daily life (The German Way), Hyde also developed the corresponding German Way website. Since then he has spent much time in Europe and Germany, and written several more books related to the German language and culture. His Humboldt American publishing house concentrates on titles related to the many relationships between the US and the German-speaking countries.
Contact: See our Contact page.
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• The BOOK: Germany for Beginners: The German Way Expat Guidebook
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