The GW Expat Blog


History and culture

A British Weihnachten

For the past three Christmases whilst living in Germany, my partner and I have spent the big day back in the UK. They say Christmas is the time of year for family and friends, and that is where the majority of them are and so that is where we shall go. Except this...

Short Trousers

One of the most interesting aspects of being an expat is when you find yourself in the eye of a culture clash storm. Last winter my, then seven-year-old, son was determined to wear shorts, whatever the weather. His avoidance of long trousers evolved gradually during...

Zeugnistag (Report Card Day)

School was out for the summer last week in Berlin. For most school children and their parents the very last day of the school term was much anticipated not just because of the ensuing weeks of freedom but also because it was Zeugnistag (report card day). The process...