The GW Expat Blog


History and culture

Do You go to Church?

Happy Easter! This blog post is slightly late this week, because I have been busy doing what we all should be doing this holiday: spending time with friends and family. And because I live in the religious South of Germany, it is a nice long four-day weekend, with Good...

Gambling and other sins

When I first moved to Nevada (the year shall remain vague) the Silver State still had pretty much of a gambling and quickie divorce monopoly – and a reputation as a rather sinful place. Today almost every US state has casinos and/or a lottery. Getting a divorce has...

Multi-Kulti Christmas

This past year, our international family became even more international when my husband's sister married a man from Colombia. When we moved to Ireland in September, the family decided that we would all celebrate Christmas together in Galway this year. The flight was...

Flavors of Christmas

Spending the Thanksgiving holiday with friends who have recently moved to Germany, I found myself thinking – yet again – "I am becoming sooo German". The topic of conversation was the abundance of deliciousness available at German bakeries; under contention was...

A Seventh Child Gets Lucky

Since we've left Germany, I try to keep up to date with some of Germany's domestic news through such resources as Deutsche Welle. As my lucky number is seven, I was curious about an article entitled, "Unlucky number seven causes headache for German President." Thanks...

Germany vs The Internet

Lots of ruckus has been made over the past few months, including here on this blog, about Europe's reaction to Facebook, Google Streetview and the like.  It finally took a self-promotional e-mail from a professional acquaintance  to get my ire up enough to actually...

Goodbye Deutschland

The title of this post is not meant to be in reference to Germany and its standing at the World Cup. Rather, it is in reference to the fact that this will be my last post on this blog while living in Germany. One prominent aspect of expatriate life is a higher...