Short answer – Don’t break the rules. Long answer – Know the rules. When moving to, or travelling in a country different from your own it is important to acquaint yourself with the basics. Ignorance is no excuse and your mistake could end up being very costly. From...
The GW Expat Blog
German language
Turkish Markets in Germany
Berlin’s grocery stores can be a chaotic introduction to life in Germany. Discounters like Aldi and Lidl skimp on presentation for bargain-basement prices. Fancier chains like Rewe and Edeka have recently upped their games with fancy salad bars, fresh sushi, and even...
Don’t throw away your cash: How the Pfand system works
When a group of foreigners get together in Germany there are a few topics of conversation that you can practically guarantee will come up. The top ten frustrations and annoyances will almost always include the topic of recycling. The systems can be overwhelming and...
The 5 Questions I Always Get Asked About Germany
I have been slowly transitioning from my homeland to Germany, with baby steps that started with holidays a couple of years ago and evolved every time I came back getting more and more permanent. This means I have had the chance to come to Germany and then go back to...
How to Pay Berlin Transport Fines
When I first arrived in Berlin I scrapped by, stretching one ticket to its full 2-hour limit. Then I learned the wonders of the 4 ticket (4-Fahrten-Karte) which offered slight discounts by buying 4 at a time. Finally, I caved and bought the 10-am ticket which offers a...
More German Everyday Expressions You’ll Never Learn in School but Will Help You Blend in
Trying not to sound excessively formal in a foreign language requires practice and attention. It can happen that in your aim to sound colloquial you will pick up words and phrases that you think are everyday material you can use with your colleagues at work, in a...
What’s Up with Wasps in Germany?
I forgot it was almost August until I walked up to the KiTa (daycare) where my husband teaches, and saw the sign on the front gate: Achtung! Erdwespen auf der Wiese. (Caution! Wasps in the meadow/garden.) Aw, yes. Just like the seasonal Eis (ice cream) stands and the...
Eat yourself cool in a hot German summer
Whilst the mercury stays steadfastly in the thirties (centigrade) and the German summer is bursting with events like Breminale, weinwanderungen (wine walks) and freiluftkino (open air cinemas) it is easy to find the heat somewhat oppressive when you're crushed between...
German Everyday Expressions You’ll Never Learn in School But Will Help You Blend in
As every other responsible expat that moves to Germany with the intention of making of Goethe’s land their new home I briefly attended formal German lessons at my arrival. The teacher was nice, some of the people I met there were overly nice (if you know what I mean)...
German Salad
When you think of German cuisine, you usually think of Wurst (sausage), mountains of Kartoffeln (potatoes), and liters of Bier (I mean, c'mon. "beer"). Rightfully so. Those things are delicious and make up a good portion of the German diet. But that's not all... The...
When Nature Calls: Public Toilets in Germany (Toilette, WC)
8 Essential Facts About Public Toilets in Germany Wo selbst der Kaiser zu Fuß hingeht One of the first useful phrases any language student should learn is: "Where is the restroom?" in the target language. In German that would be "Wo ist die Toilette?" Of course, in...
Epic Places to Watch the World Cup in Germany
Short answer - EVERYWHERE. No matter whether you call it soccer, football or Fussball, almost everyone in Germany will be watching a few games in this massive tournament of skill. This is the 21st FIFA World Cup and there will be 32 national teams vying for...
The Month of May in Germany
After the long, dark winter and the uncertainty of April weather (April, April, der macht, was er will), everyone is ready for summer by the time May rolls around. No matter the first official day of the season is a month and a half away, Germans are reveling in the...
An Expat U-turn
What happens when you decide the expat life is not working out? You've changed your mind. Fallen out of love with Germany. Mentally checked out, bags are packed and you're on that plane home. This was the reality for me towards the end of the year. Mic drop. Bear with...
Best Swimming Pools for Kids in Berlin
On days like today (the end of Ostern or Easter holidays with no family nearby and only medium-nice weather) there is a question of what exactly to do. We've already had 3 glorious days off, admired our Osterstrauch (Easter tree), celebrated the holiday with enough...
Going to the Dentist in Germany
For years as a freelancer, I survived on the bare minimum of private insurance. I am now on public insurance in Germany and taking full advantage. Yearly check-up? Yes please! Eye exam? Why not? And the dentist? Sign me up. So, clearly, it had been some time since I...
Is It True That German Men Can’t Flirt? (Asking for a Friend…)
Not so long ago I had the chance to spend a year surrounded by a large group of twenty-somethings coming from all corners of the world, we were scattered all over Germany and every three months we had to meet up in different cities each time for week-long seminars....
Ride Berlin Transportation like a Boss
Coming from a place with pitiful public transport (looking at you Seattle), it took me all of 10 seconds to develop eternal love for Berlin's comprehensive public transportation. It only took a few seconds longer for me to have strong opinions on what is and what is...
Follow that broom
One of my favourite German words is Gemütlichkeit, which has been adopted by the English-speaking world since it can’t be simply translated. Roughly it pertains to the feeling of comfy cosiness when getting together with friends and family, usually with good food and...
Finding a place to call home
Moving from a culture slightly obsessed with getting on the property ladder as soon as is humanly possible, to one where renting is king has been an interesting adjustment. A lot of foreigners feel this way when they first move to Germany, but it really is A different...
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