I can't really explain precisely how a painting of the North Frisian island of Sylt and a crime novel series set in the same region of Germany caused me to write this blog post. The painting was a very recent discovery, but my longtime habit of reading German novels...
The GW Expat Blog
German language
The Singular/Plural Conundrum in German and English
Nouns That Are Singular in English but Plural in German – and Vice Versa English-speaking students of the German language soon encounter the odd situation of common nouns that are singular in English but plural in German. The opposite also occurs, with singular nouns...
CATAN: Klaus Teuber’s Pioneering Board Game
New Energies: German Game Designer Klaus Teuber When you hear the term "board games" you may think of typical tabletop games such as chess or checkers/draughts, Go, Monopoly, Pictionary, Risk, Scrabble, Sorry!, and many others. But we're going to talk about a special...
What and Where to Eat in Vienna
In my last post I exulted on the loveliness that is Vienna. The grand architecture, regal attractions like performances at the Spanish Riding School and the palaces (plural). This small city is packed with elegance and charm. But that is only the half of it as I have...
Baby Names in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Baby Names: In and Out of Fashion Like many other things in life, baby names go in and out of fashion. It's an international phenomenon that applies globally, regardless of language. Some first names (Vornamen) are rather timeless, while others fade away. Baby names...
Indiana’s German Place Names and Connections
Indiana: The Hoosier State The US state whose name means "land of the Indians" also has a lot of German connections. In fact the largest ancestry reported in Indiana is "German" – with 22.7 percent of the population claiming that ancestry in the 2020 census. In the...
Weekend in Hamburg
Last November I was in a funk. I had found myself in visa limbo after living in Germany for many years, newly laid off, and facing a big decade birthday. I kept telling myself it would all work out, but the anxiety was eating me alive and an impending birthday...
German Candy
For those that celebrate Halloween, even abroad, the onslaught of candy has already begun. There used to be nary a spooky Hexe (witch) or dancing Skelett (skeleton) to be found in Germany in favor of more somber events like the Reformation. But the Halloween...
What Not to Do at Oktoberfest
If you missed it, this weekend kicked off Okoberfest in Munich. With the tapping of the keg and the magical words of “O'zapft is” (“It's tapped”), the biggest beer festival in the world has begun. Last year was the first year after the pandemic that the event was held...
Weather in Germany
I left a sweltering Berlin for an almost as hot Washington State. People always think of Seattle as rainy, but on the day my family arrived back in our home state it was over 80 degrees F (27 degree C) and clear skies meant the "mountain was out" as the locals say....
Unusual German Sports
After a turbulent couple of months, my husband's 40th birthday was swiftly approaching. As this is one of those big birthdays that end in a zero I wanted to pull out all the stops. I needed a venue that could accomodate a small private party, ideally something with an...

Going to the Hospital in Germany
Something that is not on many visitors' bingo card is a trip to the hospital. But life just happens and sometimes the unexpected becomes a reality. That has been the case for my family this last month. As I neared my due date for Berlin baby number three, my parents...
Prepare for a Hospital Birth in Germany
Spring (or Frühling) is in the air! If you have been following German-Way on Instagram, you may have noticed these tell-tale signs in our stories: Frühblüher (early bloomers), Easter chocolates, and even the swarm-like appearance of Feuerkäfer (fire-coloured beetle)....
Lesser Known German Meals
When researching this post I came across other articles pointing out "Weird German Foods" or "Strange German Foods You Should Try At Least Once". That's not really what I am focusing on here. Most of us have heard of Schweinshaxe (roasted pork knuckle), Kartoffelsalat...
Ten Ways That Germany is Different
Germans have their own way of doing things. True, not all Germans are alike, but... The German way of life is not the same as the American way of life, nor should it be. But US Americans (that's a German influence I've adopted as a US American) and other foreigners...
A Love Letter to Berlin Photo Booths
One of my favorite parts about living abroad is that you get to make your own traditions. Deciding we really aren't fans of turkey, we still host an annual Thanksgiving party but usually buy a half dozen halbes hähnchen (half a roasted chicken) from the nearest Döner...
Texas: German Names and Connections
Texas Germans and the German Belt in Texas At various times in the past Texas was French (1684–1689), Spanish (1690–1821), and Mexican (1821-1836). From 1836 to 1845 it was the Republic of Texas – before becoming the 28th US state on December 29, 1845. But Texas...
Going to the Doctor in Germany
I recently spent a week semi-anxiously waiting tests results from my doctor. They had told me it was going to be 4 or 5 days (business days) and the test was on a Tuesday, so I kept an ear out for a ring through Tuesday - just to be safe. On Wednesday I assumed I was...
How to Celebrate German Unity Day
Today is a national holiday in Germany, Tag der Deutschen Einheit or German Unity Day. Like every year, I feel it is almost forgotten until it is upon us. It honors the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rejoining of East to West Germany. So it is strange that a day...
Louisiana’s German Names and Connections
Louisiana: The Pelican State, the Bayou State, the Creole State No. None of Louisiana's nicknames, official or otherwise, offer even a hint of how much of an impact German-speaking immigrants have had on the state. In fact, despite having lived in Louisiana as a...
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