It is a perfect Northern European midsummer's evening, the sky a delicate swirl of gentle pastels and the soft air just cool enough for a cardigan: we have our window open. Then, quite suddenly, outside a tremendous roar erupts. Men, women and children let out shouts...
The GW Expat Blog
Expat issues
These are a few of my favorite things . . .
I have been back in Canada for a few months now, for the usual hockey off-season, and I can't help but continually make comparisons between my two homes. When nearing the end of the season in Europe, I start fantasizing about things at home in Canada: all the foods...
A German Education
I am going to attempt to explain the German education system in the simplest terms possible. For those with further education who can handle the exceptions, I have listed them at the end. When a child is born in Germany, it has the right to a place in a daycare from...
Meet Freude: More Korean Food in Leipzig
NOTE: Updated for 2024. I know that you've waited over a month for this follow-up post on Korean food in Leipzig so let's jump right in. The family and I went to Meet Freude in the Südvorstadt neighborhood of Leipzig. This part of town is a quick Strassenbahn ride or...
German efficiency and Berlin’s new airport
There is a German term for "German efficiency" – several in fact: deutsche Gründlichkeit, Effizienz, Fähigkeit, Leistungsfähigkeit, Tüchtigeit. German efficiency can be found gloriously in German doors and windows, in energy use (hall lights that only turn on if...
The first whiff of anticipation comes in early April when you notice the odd crate in the supermarket, labelled "from Spain" and extortionately priced. You keep your eye on the incrementally falling price over the following fortnight. And when it hits seven euros a...
An Expensive Lesson in the Laws of the Land
For most of my first year in Germany I didn’t drive. I come from a small Canadian city with no major highways, and so the thought of the autobahn seriously freaked me out. I was, and remain, very surprised at how easy it was for my husband to simply turn in his...
Good Night, Sleep Tight, Watch out for the Crack!
Maybe you have visited Germany on a trip and noticed that the hotel beds were a little funny. Large, generously proportioned, down pillows, down comforters. But strangely, when you sink into the middle of the bed you find, well, it's lacking. There’s a crack down the...
Korean Food in Leipzig
NOTE: Updated for 2024. In pursuit of finding decent food in Germany, my family and I tried out two of the three Korean restaurants in Leipzig during a visit to the city. It is a high risk undertaking to try a Korean restaurant in Germany as it can be very hit or...
Germans: We don’t need no stinkin’ apartment numbers
It never really dawned on me that the Germans don't use apartment numbers – until I lived in a German apartment house. The only way the postal carrier (Postbote/Postbotin) can deliver mail to the correct apartment in even a large apartment complex is by the surname on...
Online Lifelines
Remember that time not long ago when long-distance phone calls were reserved for special occasions? Your uncle on the other side of the country would get a nice three minute phone call on his birthday, and your grandmother across the ocean could expect a quick "Merry...
Dealing with Differences in a Multi-Culti Family
Not long ago, a German friend gave me a stern warning that I was in danger of teaching my children that all things German are bad. I was perplexed at this perspective, for it certainly doesn’t reflect how I feel. “If you tell them negative things about Germany, you...
Foods that are hard to find in Germany
I'm inviting readers (Americans especially) to help me compile a list. It's a list that grows shorter by the year, but is still fairly lengthy: Foods that are hard to find in Germany. It really wasn't that long ago that an American living in Germany had difficulty...
Where the heck is the baking powder?
I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for expat moms who need to bake cupcake after cupcake, cookie after cookie, required by their children for school fundraisers, soccer practices, birthday parties etc. Baking in German-speaking Europe is hard! When I first...
Getting in with the In Crowd
Recently some fellow Americans moved in down the street. We figured this out before we talked to them, as there were some telltale expat signs around the house. One day I stopped the new neighbor while he was out walking his dog and we had a brief chat, marveling at...
Losing Language
It was inevitable. Our German was bound to get worse upon departure. The first year, mine seemed to remain intact. I was still feeling pretty German, and I spoke German almost daily with our German preschool teachers, with other German-speaking parents, and with our...
Are German Parents as Superior as French Parents?
The Wall Street Journal published another provocative piece on one certain "ethnic" parenting style superior than the American one. I put ethnic in quotes as I refer first to the Tiger parenting style written and described by Amy Chua early last year. Chua talked...
The Naked Truth
There was one very significant event that I happened to omit from my last blog, regarding my recent trip to Davos. In truth, I just wasn’t quite ready to talk about it yet. The incident was somewhat traumatizing, or at least severely uncomfortable, and it left me...
Grocery Culture
There I was on Saturday morning at the grocery store, my cart full, hastily putting my items on the checkout band. I sent two parties ahead of me to the cashier, knowing I would need a little extra time; my weekly groceries still filled the cart and my attempts to...
Tricks of the trade for the metrically challenged
In an earlier article I wrote about the many little differences in daily culture that can sometimes frustrate expats in German-speaking Europe. I listed 15 "Kleinigkeiten" that may or may not be minor matters – from traffic signal placement to the bare kitchen. But...
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