About The German Way and More
The German Way and More website is a guide to understanding how people from every corner of the German-speaking world think, do business, and act in their daily lives. Originally based on the German Way book by Hyde Flippo, our online guide is aimed at expats, travelers, business people, and students in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Vienna has an excellent public transportation system, including trams like the two seen here. See our Austria pages for more. PHOTO: Hyde Flippo
Along with the cultural guidebooks, our informative online articles and The German Way Expat Blog make up an indispensable reference related to the cultural traits of German-speaking people in Europe. Familiarity with the varied ways in which these people celebrate holidays, interact with one another, eat, dress, and so on will increase your ability to adjust to life there – whether you are living there, working there, or just passing through.
Our site provides insights into the rich variety of customs and attitudes found in the German-speaking countries. We’ll help you break the cultural barriers – and better adapt to the way things are done in the German-speaking world.
A Little History
The German Way and More website began as a hobby, primarily as an online supplement to the book that was first published in 1997 and updated in 1999. The website was intended to offer updates, additional information and photographs that couldn’t be part of the printed book – years before ebooks became a reality.
The website was literally a one-man operation for a long time. At first there was not even any advertising. The only income came from book sales via a new online bookstore called “Amazon.” The idea was less about money and more about providing a service, a philosophy that holds true to this day.
In 2002 McGraw-Hill published Hyde’s second book, When in Germany, Do As the Germans Do: A Clued-In Guide to German Life, Language and Culture, illustrated with ink-line sketches by Fred Dolven. The Second Edition of When in Germany… came out in 2018. We added more web pages to supplement that book as well. As the site became increasingly popular, advertising brought in additional revenue, which mostly covered operating expenses. Another book, Perfect Phrases in German, was released in 2009. It is aimed at language-learners, but with an emphasis on culture, and not just what to say, but when it is appropriate to say it.
In recent years the site has undergone expansion and related design changes, thanks to Erik Flippo and his graphic-arts talents. (It’s a family operation in some ways.) The next big step came in 2008 with the addition of The German Way Expat Blog. At first that was also a one-man operation, but soon we added a talented blog team made up of several people who were living the expat life in German-speaking Europe and could share their expertise and experience. Our blog team now varies from two to four German Way expat co-bloggers based in Germany and the United States.
Book: Germany for Beginners
Based on the The German Way Expat Blog, our new book for travelers and expats is Germany for Beginners: The German Way Expat Guidebook (2016). It is available in a paperback or ebook edition from Amazon.com, Amazon.de, or your local bookseller.
Contact: See our Contact page.
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Related Pages
- The German Way Store – Books, DVDs, travel items and more for expats or travelers in German-speaking Europe.
- The German Way Expat Blog discusses issues of interest to expats in German-speaking Europe.
- Expat Repatriation – Re-entry or moving on when the assignment’s over
- Medications Overseas: Potential Hazards – Rx for expats in Europe
- The German Way Expat Forum – Join our forum, where we share info and tips about life in German Europe.
- The Autobahn in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
- Driving in Germany – Tips and rules of the road
- Die Polizei – The police
- Notable People – Biographies of famous and not-so-famous people from the German-speaking world
- Featured Biographies – More detailed bios of notable people from the German-speaking world
- Germans in Hollywood – Austrians, Germans and Swiss filmmakers in Hollywood
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