German Easter Customs: The Easter Walk

Goethe’s “Osterspaziergang” Poem The Easter (Ostern) observance in the German-speaking world tends to be much longer than in Anglo-American regions. Good Friday (Karfreitag), the day commemorating Jesus’s crucifixion, starts the final countdown...

German Easter and Springtime Traditions

German Easter Customs (Osterbräuche): Introduction Easter, Ostern in German, is a very special time in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and in all of the German-speaking countries of Europe. Catholic and Protestant Christians celebrate the arisen Christ with many...

Easter in Germany: Writing to the Easter Bunny (Osterhase)

Letters to Hanni Hase or Olli Osterhase + Easter Place Names Writing to the Easter Bunny seems to be pretty much a German thing. Since the Easter Bunny is German, that seems logical. The only other major non-German Easter Bunny postal custom we have been able to track...

The Easter Bunny is German

The History of the Easter Bunny Even for people in Germany and other German-speaking countries who are not very religious, Easter, called Ostern in German, is an important springtime tradition. While many Catholic and Protestant Christians celebrate the arisen Christ...

Easter: English-German Vocabulary

German Vocabulary • Easter | Ostern Easter | Spring | Frühling | Ostern | Osterhase | Osterei An Annotated English-German Glossary of Easter Terms In this annotated English-German glossary, you’ll find vocabulary and facts related to the Easter celebration and...